miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

A dream come true

2008 was a step in a porsuit of a dream. go to Hawaii. it was not easy towards the end I accomplish my biggest dream. Thank´s to surf magazines help me to realize my dream.
this day´s starts the second contest of a triple crown of hawaii contest´s. Sunset beach is one of biggest and famous wave of the world and surfers competitors going to compete in a dream wave whith only four guys on the water. lucky surfers can surfing empty sunset line up on this crowded line up´s days.
I´ve a great souvenir for Sunset. 2008 was perfect the final was so huge and the winner was Cj Hobgood .
One of my great dreams is realized.
fight for a dream is the best, but is not always posible and when the dream come true is the best of life

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